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Which Neurotoxin Is Best For Me?
In Ontario, Canada there are 3 popular neurotoxins. So, which is best for you: Botox, Dysport, or Nuceiva? That’s what we’re uncovering today. Keep reading to decide which is right for you.
Two Reasons to Try Our New Picosure Laser
Our Picosure laser delivers noticeable results with zero downtime, anywhere on the body. There are TWO big reasons our patients are loving this laser: skin rejuvenation and tattoo removal. Ready to learn more? Read on.
What is The "6ixlips" Filler Technique?
The best lips in the business are 6ixLips, period. They prioritize lip symmetry, the best fillers, and absolutely zero duck lips. How do I work my magic? I’m letting you in on my little secret. Here’s my unique 6ixLips technique!
Beauty trends from the past 20 years
Get ready for some early 2000's humor and some serious flashbacks. Here are some milestone beauty trends we will never forget from the past 20 years. Also, we'll touch on how some transformed into today's trends.
Is Chin Sculpting the New Lip Injection?
Thanks to dermal fillers and modern techniques, sculpting the face is possible without surgery. As an Aesthetic Injector, many of my patients seek chin enhancements to amplify an under-projected chin. The treatment is making waves as more and more happy clients get awesome results sans scalpal.
How To Get Model-Like Bone Structure With Dermal Fillers
At Myrha Beauty, in Ontario, Canada, we are now offering four different holiday packages! We have a little something for everyone, depending on your goals and facial composition.
Now Available at Myrha Beauty: Vitamin IV Drips!
As your Aesthetic Injector, I’m super excited to announce that we will now be offering IV Vitamin Drips at Myrha Beauty®, in Ontario, Canada. These “drips'' are administered via injection. They are made to restore your body’s hydration, electrolyte supply, and vitamins...resulting in more energy, mental sharpness, and less anxiety!
Will Cold Weather Affect My Lip Injections and Facial Fillers?
At Myrha Beauty, in Ontario, Canada, we are now offering four different holiday packages! We have a little something for everyone, depending on your goals and facial composition.