Is Chin Sculpting the New Lip Injection?

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Chin up, buttercup - even if you don't love yours atm. Many people are self-conscious about their facial structure and features, but there are more solutions than ever to consider, including effective non-surgical ones. We're all familiar with lip injections 👄💉 as they have been normalized by modern culture (we see you, Kylie), and thus big pouts are rising in popularity. 💋 This gateway treatment boosts confidence and reveals what fillers are capable of, like non-surgical nose jobs and chin sculpting.

Thanks to dermal fillers and modern techniques, sculpting the face is possible without surgery. As an Aesthetic Injector, many of my patients seek chin enhancements to amplify an under-projected chin. The treatment is making waves as more and more happy clients get awesome results sans scalpal. 🔪 Non-surgical chin sculpting may be the new lip injection... here's why.

Fuller lips and sculpted chins are more similar than you think!

I see 👀 chin sculpting like lip injections. Why? Because lip injections are a generally small procedure, but they make a big difference. Chin sculpting is the same. A little filler packs a powerful punch. You: 1, Self-Doubt: 0. 

Some of my clients think lip injections are for women and chin enhancements are for men. WRONG! I have plenty of clients who cross those misconstrued paths. Both lip injections and chin sculpting help shape your face by defining characteristics we all (genetically!) find attractive. Chin sculpting helps men gain a broader jawline while helping women relieve a double chin, but that goes both ways. Keep reading for more on that. 🤓

What is non-surgical chin sculpting?

The biggest concern that leads to chin sculpting is an under-projected chin. Many think this is due to body fat percentage, but it's actually the result of an underdeveloped jawline. Usually, this jawline is simply what you were born with, so "I got it from my Mama" is def applicable here.

On the bright side, it's an easy fix! There are HA fillers that make chin augmentation easier than ever. These strategically placed injections give the chin your desired level of fullness, bringing harmony to all your unique (and beautiful!) facial features. HA fillers come in varying degrees of consistency, some more flexible than others, and some allow for a more sculpted look. Depending on the filler, I can sculpt your chin in just about any way you desire. Men usually want a more square, masculine chin, and women tend to lean towards a heart-shaped, softer profile.

What are the benefits of chin enhancements?


Defining your jawline has more benefits than you may think. Studies show that a strong, firm chin is a common attribute to "attractive" people. By adding some dermal filler in all the right places, you are helping achieve a more symmetrical face which is correlated with "trust." Funny, right?

In addition to wooing people around you, your self-confidence is what matters most. If a more prominent chin will help you feel more attractive, you'll gain confidence and put your best face forward in all aspects of life.

is chin sculpting right for me?

If you're unsure about whether your chin needs some work, here are some common characteristics that clients possess making them ideal candidates for chin sculpting.

✨ Big nose

✨ Long neck

✨ Soft jawline or little definition

✨ Double chin

✨ Weak chin

An enhanced, more prominent chin can actually hide or diminish the appearance of these common, unfavorable features. The chin provides the framework for the entire face, helping other features look less... "off" or disproportionate.

Let's double back to double chins. So many of my patients with a little extra love around the neck automatically assume they need a fat-dissolving filler, like Kybella.™ But this isn't always true! Some people born with a naturally shallow chin simply need a little chin filler. This projection actually tightens the skin under the chin, helping eliminate the appearance of a double chin.

Where can I get non-surgical chin sculpting?

Right here at Myrha Beauty in Ontario, Canada! I've performed countless sculpting procedures - see for yourself! If you're curious about chin sculpting, book a consultation and we'll discover what treatment is best for your goals and facial structure.

Chin up, buttercup! A better chin is in your future.


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